
It is more than just business for us!

It is more than just business for us!


The Accounting and Consulting Company of SKK Delta Consult ltd. is a specialized accounting enterprise its seat and registered address in Varna.

Our company offers high-quality accounting services, tax and security consulting and rich information to Bulgarian and foreign corporate clients and natural persons thus helping them and participating in the successful development of their business.

Our vast experience, our numerous contacts with people and our clients ground our confidence that we could be helpful with our knowledge and skills since the very conception of a business idea on behalf of our clients.

Those who have trusted us receive professional services at a competitive price. Proof of our clients’ trust in us are their excellent references, and that undoubtedly is the key of our accounting company’s success.

The principles we have been following over the years and which we truly believe in are: professionalism, integrity, loyalty, confidentiality. We apply those principles of ours not only with regard to our clients, but also to the entire team in the company, with regard to all our counterparts, and quite naturally we enjoy and appreciate their reciprocity.

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